LeeMo Mod:ular
Inspired by nature, expressed in paper.
I have been folding Origami for almost 30 years - starting with cranes, houses and balloons. Over time, I became enamored with modular origami and spent all of my free time folding module after module, creating shapes out of almost every combination of units possible. I even ended up creating a custom shape, which is now the most popular shape in my line of jewelry (patent in progress).
Recently, I have been drawn to folding these modules not to make individual 3D shapes, but to explore how colors blend together and make a larger unit. This is how LeeMo Mod:ular began. I started with a pack of 100 sheets of 15cmx15cm paper, each sheet a different color covering the full color spectrum. I cut each piece into fourths, and proceeded to fold the 400 sheets before I even began assembly. Once I had all of the modules, I separated the pieces into like color groups, and began to stitch the pieces together to form colorful gradients. Each color wheel was completed using plain white, and thus came into existence “Six-Seven-Six”, and started the whole series.
I’m fascinated by texture, color, and pattern. What better medium than paper, where options are almost endless! I’ve taken blueprints and made earrings, night lights out of art prints, and even translated origami shapes into 2D forms and cut them out of acrylic and bamboo plywood.
If you have an idea, let’s chat – I’m always interested in new projects and new ways to explore art and design through paper. I also love custom artwork, so if you have colors or papers that you’d like to incorporate into art, I’m your paper lady!
Photography credit: Rachel Cadman Photography